Since 2013, ChetCo has been building a sustainable value-chain community for the 10,000 best-practice cotton farmers of Chetna Organic.

The Chetna Coalition supports our members in the following ways:


Community Engagement

  • Coordinates and runs three opportunities for annual in-person member engagement. One two-three hour meeting at TE’s conference; an annual ChetCo meeting in June at a moving global location; and an Annual ChetCo farm visit during the late harvest season

  • Leads quarterly, full-member video conference calls

  • Serves working groups through facilitation & member coordination

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Cotton Traceability

  • Works with members and ChetCo data collection staff to trace finished goods to the ICS or cooperative farmers that grew it

  • Responsible for the management of ChetCo’s traceability program and ensuring continuous improvement of value chain traceability


Customized Farm Data & Reporting

  • Updated dashboards reflecting brand-relevant impact data

  • Benchmarking metrics for internal targets


GMO & Integrity Assurance

  • Assist in providing members with organic certifications and third-party lab testing for GMO contamination and pesticide residue

  • Oversees GMO-Free hold and release program: 10-day holding period for all Chetna cotton lint for testing and return of 3rd party lab results


Media & Communication

  • Creates and distributes a Quarterly Member Newsletter

  • Assists member media inquiries and requests

  • Actively manages and maintains ChetCo’s website and social media accounts

  • Provides member services for photo and video including custom media and archive access


Farm Visits

  • Coordinates member travel and accommodations for all farm visits

  • Co-designs a customized, meaningful, and informative annual Chetna farm visit with ChetCo members